Christmas Calendar Sale Boost - Shopify App

Christmas Calendar Sale Boost


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1. Is it complicated to integrate the calendar into your own shop?

No, with the installation function it is very easy to integrate the calendar. Either you integrate the calendar on an already existing page of the navigation or you can easily create a page. For questions or installation problems, we are of course happy to help.

2. Can I also use the calendar to create promotions, for example discounts?

No, the christmas calendar has no features to create the deals. For discounts, check out our Sale & Discount Manager from Heartcoding. Of course, discount codes and other promotions can be implemented directly with the Shopify options.

3. Are there any other fees, then the one-time purchase?

No, once purchased, the christmas calendar can be used as long as desired and there are no additional fees.

4. Are there any empirical values ​​as to whether the advent calendar is well received by customers?

Yes, we have been using the advent calendar for 2 years in our own shop and have been able to achieve significant sales and traffic increases.

5. Can I customize the calendar to my needs / corporate identity?

Yes, of course, the calendar can be adapted to the CI of your shop. You can use a picture you have selected and customize several other things.

6. Is the calendar only suitable for countries where an advent calendar is popular?

No, not at all. In all countries, the advent calendar can be used profitably as an exciting and helpful tool for the Christmas season in order to get in touch with the customers on a daily basis.


Tellhöhe 10b, 82131 Stockdorf